

Create a Society Associate Account

Get access to our Associate only materials by creating a Society website account.

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  • A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.

  • Terms of Use for PAHx Program Associates

    The PA History Society (PAHx) owns all rights, title and interest to the Education Learning Modules, Historian Toolkit and Anniversary & Celebration Planner. The PAHx Toolkits are provided solely to PA Program and Constituent Organization Associates who have contributed to the annual PA History Society Educational Research Fee for PAHx Associates. The use of this work is subject to the following terms.

    • Only PAHx Program Associates and their students may use the Educational Learning Modules as an educational resource for teaching and learning the extraordinary history of the PA profession.
    • Use of the PA History Society’s Educational Learning Modules is permitted for educational purposes only.
    • This work may not be used for any commercial purpose, or to sell, advertise, endorse, or otherwise promote any other service, product, or party.
    • Continued use of the Educational Learning Modules requires the program to pay its annual fee to remain a PAHx Associate.
    • The PAHx Historian Toolkit is provided to Program Associates and their students as a reference guide to preserving their own institution’s history.
    • The PAHx Anniversary & Celebration Planner includes materials to help you celebrate your program’s anniversary or other special events.