Breaking News
  • PAHx is offering a free small-group CME session at this year’s AAPA Conference! Scroll down for more info!     
  • Check out what's new in PA history at AAPA by visiting the PAHx Booth on the 3rd floor of the conference center!     
  • Pre-PA Students: Stop by our Booth during the AAPA Saturday Pre-PA workshop!



Test your Knowledge

How good is your knowledge of PA history? Test yourself in this quiz!

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The prime time NBC television program that aired in December 1970 portraying the medico legal plight of an ex-military corpsman arrested for giving aid to an accident victim in a medically isolated community in California was:

The organization incorporated in 1970 by PA program educators to assure the clinical competence of their graduates and served as the forerunner of the Association of Physician Assistant Programs was the:

Who was the “doctor’s assistant” trained and employed by Dr. Amos Johnson in Garland, NC who served as Dr. Eugene Stead, Jr.’s role model when he began formally educating PAs at Duke University?

In 1967, Dr. John W. Kirklin, initiated the first surgeon's assistant program at which institution?

What national legislation paved the way for the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Health Manpower Education, to award contracts to fund the education of physician assistants for the first time?