Breaking News
  • PAHx is offering a free small-group CME session at this year’s AAPA Conference! Scroll down for more info!     
  • Check out what's new in PA history at AAPA by visiting the PAHx Booth on the 3rd floor of the conference center!     
  • Pre-PA Students: Stop by our Booth during the AAPA Saturday Pre-PA workshop!



Test your Knowledge

How good is your knowledge of PA history? Test yourself in this quiz!

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Why was October 6th initially selected as PA Day?

Instead of using the term physician’s assistant, the first national conference held at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, TX in 1973 was titled the “First Annual Conference on _______________?

Which branch of the United States Arm Forces was first to appoint PAs as commissioned officers in 1978?

What was the predominate prior health care experiences of the first PA and MEDEX students trained during the late 1960s and early 1970s?

In 2011, Karen Bass from California became the first physician assistant to do WHAT?