Founding Members
We want to thank the following group of people.
These are the individuals who joined the PA History Society during its first year of existence, from May 2002 – May 2003. They are considered the founding members of the Society.
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Frank Acevedo, MS, RPA- C |
Kathy Adamson, MMS, MA, PA-C |
Robert Aitken, OD, PA-C |
Gail Albergo, MHS, PA-C |
Camicio Aleman, PA-C |
Lovest Alexander Jr,. MHS, PA-C |
Lisa Mustone Alexander, EdD, MPH, PA-C |
Tom Balga, PA-C |
Ruth Ballweg, MPA, PA-C Emeritus |
Scott Barden, M.P.A. |
Salvatore Barese, EdD, MS, RPA-C |
Jacqueline Barnett, DHSc, MSHS, PA-C |
Gary Bartlett, PA-C |
Vaughn Begick, PA-C |
Gregor Bennett, MA, PA-C |
Jackie Berumen, PA-C |
Susan Blackwell, PA-C |
Dennis Blessing, Ph.D., PA-C |
Bob Blumm, MA, RPA-C |
Sherrie Borden, MHS, PA |
George Bottomley Jr., DVM, PA-C |
Andrea Boyd, PA-C |
Robert Branc, MS, PA-C |
Linda Brandtganel, PA-C |
Ruth Brouwer, PA-C |
Elisabeth Brozovich, PA-C |
Randy Bundschu Jr.,PA-C |
John Byrnes Jr., PA-C |
Lara Campagna, MHS, PA-C |
Blaine Carmichael, MPAS, PA-C |
Reginald Carter, Ph.D., PA |
Barry Cassidy, Ph.D., PA-C |
Jim Cawley, MPH, PA-C |
Christine Chang, PAS |
Scott Chavez, MPA, PA-C |
Thom Clayton,MPAS, BSM, PA-C |
Judi Colver, PA-C |
Glen E. Combs, MA, PA |
David Coniglio, MPA, PA-C |
Roy Constantine, MPH, PA-C |
Jennie Coombs, PA-C |
Elizabeth “Libby” Coyte, PA-C |
Richard Curtis, PA-C |
Ina Cushman, PA-C |
Randy Danielsen, Ph.D., PA-C |
Rick Davis, Ed.D, PA-C |
James Delaney, PA-C |
Pat Dieter, MPA, PA-C |
Wilbert Dillard, PA-C |
Peter Dolan, PA |
Sherrie Downing, PA-C |
Walter Eisenhauer, MMSc, PA-C |
Ann Elderkin, PA |
Neil Erickson, PA-C |
Mary Ettari, MPH, PA |
Harvey Evans, MS |
Dick Faust, PA-C |
Harold Felton, MS, PA-C |
Cynthia Ferguson, MHS, PA-C |
Bruce Fichandler, PA |
Garry Fincher, PA-C |
Marilyn Fitzgerald |
Glenn Forister, MPAS, PA-C |
Edward Friedmann Jr., PA-C |
Jim Frick, MS, PA-C |
Oswald Ganley, PhD, PA-C |
Kenneth Gartzke Jr., PA-C |
Tim Gengembre, MBA, MS, PA-C |
Deborah Gerbert, PA-C |
Gino Gianola, PA |
Joe Gilboy, BHS, PA-C |
Robert Glanz, PA-C |
Gina Glass, MS, PA-C |
Dawn Goodpaster, MS, PA-C |
Elaine Grant, MPH, PA-C |
Dana Gray, PA-C |
Suzanne Greenberg, MS |
Ronald Grimm, MMS, PA-C |
David Gwinn, MPAS, PA-C |
Michael Habeck, BS, BA, PA-C |
Suzanne Hage, MHS, PA-C |
Blaine Paxton Hall, B.S., PA-C |
Kathie Halpern, MSc, PA-C |
Ken Harbert, PhD, MHA, PA-C Emeritus |
Marilyn Harms, PA-C |
Pat Hawley, PA-C |
Kristine Healy, MPH, PA-C |
Edward Hedrick, MPAS-PA-C |
Michelle Heinan, EdD, MS, PA-C |
Jeffrey Heinrich, EdD, PA-C Emeritus |
Paul Hendrix, MHS, PA-C |
Tom Hickey, PA-C |
Jim Hill Jr., MEd, PA-C |
Rick Hillegas III, MPH, PA-C |
Michael Holt, MS, PA |
Jennifer Holycross, MPAS, PA-C |
Roderick Hooker, PhD, PA |
Frances Horvath, M.D. |
Ed Huechtker, Sr., MPA, PA-C |
Robin Hunter Buskey, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C |
Betty Ingell, FNP-C, Ed.D.,PA-C |
Rosann Ippolito, MHP, PA-C |
Robert Jackson, PA-C |
Steven Jacobs, MPAS, PA-C |
Mose Jennings, PA-C |
Elizabeth Jobe, PA-C |
Bob Johnston, Jr. |
Eugene Jones, PhD, PA-C |
Rea Katz, MS, PA-C |
David Keith, PA-C |
Jeanie Kittleson, PAS |
Bill Kohlhepp, DHSc, PA-C |
Linda Kotrba, P.M.P. |
Karl Kruszynski, PA-C |
David Kuhns, MPH, PA-C |
Joseph Lagana, Ed.D. |
Marvis Lary, Ph.D., PA-C |
Jack Lasoski, PA-C |
Janet Lathrop, MBA |
Christine Legler, MS, PA-C |
Rebecca Lehman, MPAS, PA-C |
Susan LeLacheur, MPH, PA-C |
Henry (Hank) Lemke, DHSc, PA-C |
Thomas Lemley, MMS, MPAS,PA-C |
Paul Lombardo, MPS-HSA, PA-C |
Cynthia Lord, MHS, PA-C |
Susan Lusty, PA-C |
Melissa Marchisotto, PA-C |
Wade Marion, PA-C |
Bill Marquardt, MA, PA |
Rickey Martin, MS, PA-C |
Marion Masterson, RPA-C |
John McCarty, MPAS, PA-C |
Barney McCollough, BS, PA-C |
Peggy McMillen, PA-C |
Denise McNatt, MHS, PA-C |
Frank Meccia, PA-C |
Lloyd Michener, M.D. |
Anthony Miller, MEd, PA-C |
Dave Mittman, PA |
Paul Moson, MBA, PA |
Yasmin Ngala-El, PAS |
Brenda Nichols, PAS |
Bruce Niebuhr, Ph.D. |
Venetia Orcutt, MBA, PA-C |
Vince Palese Jr., BHS, PA-C |
James Parker, PA-C |
Gretchen Paruch, MHS, PA-C |
Donald Pedersen, PhD, PA |
Martha Petersen, MPH, CHES, PA-C |
Jack Pike, BS, PA-C |
Maura Polansky, MS, PA-C |
Orie Potter, PA-C |
Philip Price, MHS, PA-C |
Jeanne Rabold, MBA |
Rocky Rackover, MS, PA-C |
“Randy” Randolph, MPAS, PA-C |
Tracy Ray, Ph.D., PAS |
Sue Reich-Atkins, PA-C |
Dick Rensch, PA-C |
Lisa Repko, PA-C |
Anne Riker, PA-C |
Paul Robinson, PA-C |
Paula Rooney, PA-C |
Ted Ruback, MS, PA-C |
Dale Rupprecht, PA-C |
Patrick Sawyer, PA-C |
Dana Sayre-Stanhope, EdD, PA-C Emeritus |
Andrew Scala PA-C |
James Schmidt, PA-C |
Virginia Schneider, PA-C |
Eugene Schneller, Ph.D. |
Bernie Schwartz, MPAS, PA-C |
Rebecca Scott, Ph.D., PA-C |
Pamela Scott, PhD, PA-C Emeritus |
Sally Scott, PA-C |
Eric Scranton, MHS, PA-C |
Bud Shelton, PA-C |
Marshall Sinback Jr., PA-C Emeritus |
Jonathan Skillings, BS, PA-C |
Robert Solomon, MS, PA-C |
William Stanhope, MS, PA |
Gloria Stewart, EdD, PA |
Sherry Stolberg, MGPGP, PA-C |
Shepard Stone, MPS, PA |
Michael Storer, BA, PA-C |
Howard Straker, EdD, MPH, PA-C |
Justine Strand De Oliveira, DrPH, PA-C |
Laura Stuetzer, MS, PA |
Dan Thibodeau, MHP, PA-C |
Kirsten Thomsen, PA-C |
Keir Todd, MEd, PA-C |
Joseph Tommasino, Ph.D., PA-C |
Janice Tramel, MS-HPE, PA-C Emeritus |
J.D. Trimbath, MPAS, PA-C |
Peggy Valentine, EdD, PA |
Eileen Van Dyke, MPS, PA-C |
Clara Vanderbilt, PA |
Joseph Varano, PA-C |
Dan Vetrosky, MEd, Ph.D., PA-C |
Bryan Walker, PA-C |
Sherry Wanner-Dolan |
Sue Warnimont, MPH, PA-C |
Barbara Webster, RPT, PA-C |
Catherine Weirshauser, PA-C |
Donald Wexler, M.D. |
Wendell Wharton Jr., PA |
Deborah Williams, PA-C |
William Wilson, Ph.D. |
Frank Winn Jr., Ph.D. |
Ed Wise Jr., MPH, PA-C |
Edward Woodford, PA-C |
Mildred Woody, B.S. |
Mark Zellmer, MA, PA-C |