Library and Reference Materials
The Print Collections of the PA History Society
Explore the books, journals, articles, and other printed materials the Society has for your research needs.

Library Collections, Books and Serials
The Library’s print holdings consist of approximately 1,500 titles including books, serials, reprints, dissertations, and reports. The Library holds an almost complete run of journals published by the American Academy of Physician Assistants and the Physician Assistant Education Association (formerly known as the APAP). The holdings include a large collection of reprints and unpublished manuscripts and reports, as well as, limited editions of text books, training manuals and out-of-date publications.
You can search or browse our online catalog to find books, manuscripts, articles, reports, directories, dissertations found in the PA History Society’s Research Library.
You can narrow your search by using one or more advanced search fields such as creator (author), title, keyword or object (book, report, article, reprint, manuscript, dissertation, thesis or serial). Click on the all content button to clear all content fields and then select library. Use double “quotes” for phrases.
Or you browse our holdings for specific types of materials by clicking on the selections shown in the adjacent box.
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Selective Bibliography and References
A bibliography of selected publications that offer insight into the development of the physician assistant profession is provided as an extra resource for our readers. Our digital library contains selected journal articles and books that authors and publishers have given us permission to scan and place online for easy access. Also included are articles that are available online at other websites. Since these publications are copyright protected please review our Terms of Use before downloading for personal use or for teaching or research.
The acronyms used by the PA profession are many and may be confusing.