History is the Essence of Innumerable Biographies
The following biographies highlight the men and women who over time have contributed to the establishment, growth and development of the physician assistant profession. These are individuals whose contributions have helped shape the way physician assistants are educated, utilized, organized, evaluated, promoted and integrated into the American Health Care System and throughout the world.
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Biography Highlights
Brian Burt
Tracy Branch
Timothy Bonjour
Kari Bernard
Alan Sams
Doug Barker
Biography Collection
- Ballenger, Martha
- Ballweg, Ruth
- Balser, John
- Barese, Salvatore
- Barker, Doug
- Barnett, Jacqueline
- Bartow, Jim
- Barwick, Timi
- Bass, Karen
- Beard, Stephen
- Bearden, Charles
- Beinfield, Malcolm
- Bellinger, James
- Bennett, Gregor
- Benson, Scott
- Bernard, Kari
- Bissonette, David
- Blessing, J. Dennis
- Bliss, Ann
- Bond, Jan
- Bondy, Mary Jo
- Bonjour, Timothy
- Borden, Sherrie
- Bottom, Wayne
- Bowlin, Stephanie
- Bowser, Jonathan
- Branch, Tracy
- Braun, John
- Brenneman, Anthony
- Breyman, Gaye
- Brown-Jefferson, Annie
- Bundschu, Milton "Randy"
- Burt, Brian
- Burwell, Josef
- Burwell, Nicole
- Bushardt, Reamer
- Byrnes, John
- Camp, Burdeen
- Cannon, James
- Carney, Avery
- Carr, James
- Carter, Reginald
- Caruthers, Kara
- Cassidy, Barry
- Castle, Charles
- Caton, Lynn
- Cawley, James
- Champion, Michael
- Chavez, R. Scott
- Cherry, Melissa
- Christiansen, Mark
- Clark, Lee
- Cole, Jack
- Combs, Glen
- Condit, Doug
- Corboy, Courtney
- Cordova, Christopher
- Coyte, Elizabeth
- Crane, Stephen
- Curry, Robert
- Curtis, L. Gail
- Cushman, Ina
- Danielsen, Randy
- Davis, John
- Davis, Ann
- Day, Charles
- Dehn, Richard
- Delaney, James
- DeLellis, Stephen
- Denson, Sharon
- DeSantis, Mark and Susan
- Detmer, Don
- Detmer, Lawrence
- Detro, John
- Diamond, Morton
- DiBaise, Michelle
- Dieter, Patricia
- Donovan, Beth
- Dorn, Jennifer
- Dotson, Murl
- Duggan, Maria
- Dunn, Thomas
- Duran-Stanton, Amelia
- Gables, Lisa
- Gaile, Edward
- Ganley, Oswald
- Gerbert, Deborah
- Germino, Victor
- Gianola, F. J. Gino
- Gilbert, Marie
- Gill, William
- Gladhart, Stephen
- Glazer, David
- Gliedman, Marvin
- Godkins, Thomas
- Golden, Archie
- Goldgar, Constance
- Goodwin, Michael
- Grant, Elaine
- Gray, Dana
- Graykoski, John
- Greenberg, Suzanne
- Gross, Pauline
- Guerra, Kelly
- Gurung, Krishna
- Gwinn, David
- Hall, Blaine Paxton
- Hamilton, David
- Hammond, James
- Hanson, Stephen
- Harbert, Kenneth
- Harder, Ellen
- Harris, Trisha
- Harrison, Prentiss
- Harrison, Scott
- Haverty, J. Rhodes
- Heard, Henry
- Heath, Robert
- Hedrick, Edward
- Heinrich, J. Jeffrey
- Hicks, Shelley
- Hill, Robert
- Hills, Karen
- Holt, Natalie
- Hooker, Roderick
- Horvath, Frances
- Horvath, Theresa
- Howard, D. Robert
- Howard, Les
- Hubbard, John
- Huckabee, Michael
- Hudson, Charles
- Hudson, Lillie
- Hull, Frank "Alan"
- Hunt, William
- Hunter-Buskey, Robin
- Huntington, Charles
- Maitha, John
- Maldonado, Manuel
- Mansaray, Saibatu
- Marquardt, William
- Marriott, Patricia
- Mauney, F. Maxton
- McCarthy, Adhana
- McCarty, John
- McCullough, George
- McElligott, John
- McGinnity, John
- McNeill, Daniel
- McQueary, John
- McQuillan, Matthew
- Menendez, Manuel
- Milam, James
- Miller, Anthony
- Milner, Michael
- Mittman, David
- Mollet, Allison
- Moritsugu, Kenneth
- Morrey, Sherry
- Morton-Rias, Dawn
- Moson, Paul
- Mulitalo, Karen
- Muma, Richard
- Munsell, Debra
- Munson, Gregg
- Murphy, Zach
- Murray, Raymond
- Myers, Hu
- Sadler, Blair
- Sadler, Alfred
- Sams, Alan
- Sayre-Stanhope, Dana
- Scarnewman, Sophi
- Scheele, Richard
- Scheffler, Richard
- Schneller, Eugene
- Schuman, Eric
- Schwarz, Bradford
- Scott, Pamela
- Segal-Gidan, Freddi
- Sheldon, Michael
- Silver, Henry
- Simon, Albert
- Sinback, Marshall
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Robert
- Smith, Stephen
- Smith, Lee
- Snyder, Jennifer
- Soliz, Bill
- Somers, James
- Stanhope, William
- Statler, Pamela
- Stead, Eugene
- Stephens, Kate
- Stewart, Gloria
- Stone, Shepard
- Straker, Howard
- Strand de Oliveira, Justine
- Stuart, Sherri
- Stuetzer, Laura
Who Can Apply?
To appear in this biographical section, a nominee must have made a contribution to the physician assistant profession judged to be significant in a way that is unique, pioneering or exemplary. The nature of those contributions may include, but need not be limited to, the following:
- Helped develop the educational, accreditation, legal and certification framework that is unique to the PA profession.
- Contributed significant time, labor and leadership to a national organization thus enabling that organization to serve the best interest of PAs, PA educators and students.
- Authored books or articles that added significantly to the body of published works on physician assistants and the delivery of health care by teams.
- Recognized by peers in the health professions as one who has provided exemplary clinical, community and humanitarian service through special recognition awards and published acknowledgments.
- Served on health policy making bodies, work force study groups, international health alliances and health-related agencies to share with others knowledge about the PA profession.
- Made significant contributions to the education and mentoring of PA students and the continuing education and evaluation of graduate physician assistants.
- Pioneered the development of a new field for physician assistants in a health care specialty or practice setting.
Please Contact us us should you have an individual who you believe should be recognized by the Society.