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PAHx Video Collection

From PA Profession PSAs to News Clips

This Collection includes film and video created by various organizations, institutions and  individuals and then gifted to the Society over time. Some are copyrighted and commercially produced while others are non-commercial or privately produced.

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The Videos – Moving Image Collection includes film and video created by various organizations, institutions and individuals and then gifted to the Society over time. Some are copyrighted and commercially produce while others are non-commercial or privately produced. The films are mostly 35mm color while the videos exist in both analog and digital formats both black and white and color. Most of the holdings from this collection have been reformatted and placed in the Society’s digital archival collection.

We are seeking additional contributions of video and film to add to the collection. Please contact us about moving images that you own and would like to donate to our collection and let us know should you have additional information about any of the moving image clips displayed on this website, such as date, names of people in clips, event, contributor, etc.

Featured Videos

Virtual Tour of Stead Center

Take a virtual tour of the Eugene Stead Jr. Center with the co-founder of the Physician Assistant History Society, Reginald Carter.

Past Present Future...

A Dynamic Profession. Produced by the AAPA, a look at the diversity of the PA profession. (1986)

All About Physician Assistants

A promotional slide show made by the AAPA to inform the general public of the physician assistant profession. 1981.

White House Physician Assistants

PAs working in the White House share some of their duties and experiences providing medical care for government officials. (1989)

Kenneth Ferrell Speech - PA History Society 20th Anniversary Reception

Kenneth Ferrell, PA, is one of the original three PAs to graduate from the Duke pilot PA program in 1967. The PA History Society was fortunate to have him as a guest speaker for their 20th Anniversary Reception which was held during the AAPA annual conference in Indianapolis, IN, on May 22, 2022.

Film Archive

Remembering Dr. Richard A. Smith

1932-2017 A celebration of life memorial service held for Dr. Richard Smith, founder of the MEDEX program. The event was hosted by Ruth Ballweg, former program director of MEDEX Northwest, with co-hosts Jennifer Johnson, William Plummer, Pirkko Terao, and Dayan Ballweg.

NCCPA - Forty Years Of Certification

Interviews with Thomas Piemme, MD (Founding NCCPA Board of Directors President), Barbara Andrew, PhD (Project Director, Physician Assistant Certifying Examination Program), and David Glazer, MS (Founding NCCPA Executive Director). Introduction and closing by Dawn Morton-Rias, EdD, PA-C (Current president and CEO of the NCCPA).

PA History Clips

This series of short video clips highlight important people, organizations, and events in the history of the profession. Produced by the PA History Society, materials drawn from PAHx and Duke Medical Center Archives.

The American Academy Of Physician Assistants

The American Registry Of Physician Associates

Association Of Physician Assistant Programs

Charles Hudson

Duke Physician Assistant Program

First Annual Conference

Gasoline Alley

March On New Jersey


PA History Society

History Of The PA Profession

Produced by the AAPA, the video shown at the 2013 conference illustrates the beginnings and evolution of the PA profession.

History Of The PA Profession

The Physician Assistant: New Member Of The Health Care Team

Produced by Medical Media Production Services, Veterans Administration Hospital, St. Louis, MO (Steve Levey, director) to introduce audiences to the education and use of PAs in both rural and urban settings. Produced in cooperation with the St. Louis PA Program and VA Hospital. 1977.


Prerequisites For Admission Into PA Programs

By Dr. Frances Horvath, St. Louis Pa Program

Why Pas Are So Great

Personal testimony of employing physician serving urban community

Mike, Wain And Juanita: Physician's Assistants

Produced by The Film Program, Department of Theatre Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook for the Department of Physician’s Assistant Education. SUNY, Stony Brook, NY. ca 1980.


Edward Brown Jr. Discusses The Physician Assistant Curriculum At SUNY Stony Brook And Introduces The Film

Mike Gonzales, Wain Ashely And Juanita Maxwell Brief Profiles Of Work Settings

The Surgical Physician Assistant

Produced for the Norwalk Yale Physician Assistant Surgical Residency Program by Rediscovery Productions, Inc., Westport, CT. 1983.

Introduction And Title

Physician Assistant Profiles

PAs: A Dynamic Profession, Past-Present-Future

Produced for the American Academy of Physician Assistants by Reel Resources, Inc. to market the PA profession. PAs are featured working in various clinical and non-clinical settings. Washington, DC. 1985.

Introduction And Title

Physician Assistant Profiles

Physician Assistant: History Of A Health Manpower Innovation

Produced by Duke University Medical Center Department of Audiovisual Education. Durham, NC: Duke University. 1993.


Dr. Eugene Stead, Jr., Describes Why He Began The First Formal PA Education Program At Duke

The Founding Of The American Academy Of Physician Assistants

Project Access: New Orleans 1990

Produced by American Academy of Physician Assistant during national conference held in New Orleans. 1990.

Karen Bass, PA-C, Provides Brief History Of The Establishment Of Project Access And Its Goals

Peggy Valentine, PA-C Thanks The Schools In New Orleans For Helping Arrange Visits To Promote The PA Profession To Economically Disadvantaged Students

Anna Cherrie Epps, Md, Director Of Medical Education Reinforcement And Enrichment Program For Minority And Other Disadvantaged Students At Tulane University Describes Success Of Their Program And How Project Access Supports Their Efforts

Clinical Skill Problems: An Orientation Program

Produced for the National Commission on Certification of Physicians Assistants, Inc. by the Duke University Medical Center, Division of Audiovisual Education. Durham, NC. 1995.

Introduction, Title, Objective And Demonstration

PA History Panel At PAEA Conference 2012

Recorded at the 2012 PAEA conference, a panel discussion on PA History is conducted with Carl Fasser, John Padgett, Tom Piemme, and Gino Gianola. Led by Ruth Ballweg.

PAHistory Panel PAEA 2012