Alec Williams, originally from Syracuse, NY, is currently a second-year PA student at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. Born into a family with deeply-rooted medical affiliations—his grandmother, a medical researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, and his stepmother, a dedicated dermatologic and endocrinologic Nurse Practitioner—Williams has always been naturally drawn to the field of medicine. Yet, it was his mother’s intuitive care through every childhood cough, sniffle, or bruise which truly ignited his admiration for healthcare. Despite never having medical training, her simple treatment remedies and acts of compassion always healed his minor ailments, often leaving Williams in awe as a young child. His mother’s abilities inspire Williams to this day in his pursuit of a career where he may offer the same sense of security to others in their times of such vulnerability.
Before his journey into PA school, Williams worked in healthcare as a physical therapist aide and an emergency department technician, where his commitment to patient advocacy took root. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he contributed as a contact tracer for the New York State Department of Health. It was in these capacities that Williams witnessed first-hand how PAs adeptly advocate for their patients at the bedside while blending a strong medical knowledge based with compassionate care.
Williams’s academic journey at Quinnipiac University began as an undergraduate in the entry-level master’s PA program. His tenure at Quinnipiac has been marked by remarkable leadership, serving as the freshman and sophomore-class president of the Student Government Association, a Bobcats for Justice DEI Leader, a Peer Health Ambassador, Pre-PA Student Advisory Board Executive Representative, and a member of the Hospital Relations committee for Quinnipiac University’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon (QTHON) – a twenty-four hour dance marathon in which raises money and awareness for patients at Connecticut Children’s Hospital.
Upon transitioning to the PA program in 2022, Williams found himself determined to advocate for his future profession and patients on a larger scale. He was appointed to the AAPA House of Delegates Student Academy Delegation, as a student delegate, where he co-authored and presented a resolution which supported the use of evidence-based medicine and took a stance against discrimination in blood and tissue product donation practices that negatively affected the LGBTQ+ community. Continuing his involvement within the AAPA, Williams served as a member of the AAPA Standing Rules Committee, the C-25 Resolution Taskforce aimed to eliminate barriers to diversity and equity amongst pre-PA applicants, and was voted to lead the Student Academy at AAPA’s 2024 House of Delegates as Chief Delegate on the Student Academy Board of Directors.
Williams’s impact extends beyond the national stage to his local PA community in Connecticut, where he has been instrumental in organizing educational and philanthropic events in his role as student representative to Connecticut’s Academy of Physician Associates. Notably he recently coordinated a Connecticut state-wide Holiday toy drive, resulting in 2,600 donations being delivered to the patients and families at Connecticut Children’s Hospital just before the Holiday season.
Despite his busy schedule, Williams finds joy in exploring new culinary experiences while sharing his “foodie finds” on Instagram. He also indulges in his passion for sports, from playing basketball to cheering on the Miami Dolphins, Boston Celtics, or the New York Yankees.
Since his first clinical rotation in general surgery, Williams has fallen in love with the operating room. He hopes to specialize in orthopedic or cardiac surgery post-graduation, aiming to practice in New York or Connecticut.
Williams’s commitment to excellence and passion for improving patient care has earned him numerous achievements, including: the Quinnipiac President’s Scholarship Award, Connecticut PA Foundation Scholarship, and the 2024 Connecticut Academy of PA’s Outstanding Student Award. As he looks forward in his healthcare career, Williams remains dedicated to embodying the values of compassion and patient advocacy that have guided him from the beginning.
Acknowledgments: This biography was prepared by PA History Society Staff with the assistance of Alec Williams. It was submitted to the Society in February of 2024. The photographs are courtesy of Mr. Williams.
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