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Date Published: September 7, 2023

Making History By Making a Difference: Bill Reynolds

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Reynolds has always strived to support his profession. In 1994, he became a Fellow member of the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants (PSPA). He first served on the Membership Committee, which he later chaired, and went on to serve on and chair the Conference Planning Committee and to serve on the Government Affairs Committee. He first served on the PSPA Board as Director at Large in 1998 and worked his way to that chapter’s office of President for the 2001-2003 term. He continues to serve PSPA through his work as a Delegate to the American Academy of PAs’ (AAPA) House of Delegates (HOD), beginning in 1996, for a total of 25 years.

Reynolds’ role as a Delegate from PSPA has been interrupted over the years, but not due to a lack of interest on his part. He served as 2nd Vice Speaker from 2013-2016, 1st Vice Speaker from 2016-2019 and was elected as Speaker of the House of Delegates for the 2019-2021 terms. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he embraced the task of continuing the work of the HOD in the virtual setting over his 2 terms as Speaker. Not only did he manage to successfully negotiate this tremendous task, but he was able to successfully preside over the debate that changed the name of our profession from physician assistant to physician associate in this virtual setting. Following his terms as Speaker, he served on the Policy Manual Task Force from 2021-2023 and was its chair from 2021-2022. His service to the House has also included 10 stints on reference committees. He was a member of 4 reference committees and served as a Reference Committee Chair for 6 additional years. For all of this he deservedly received the 2022 House of Delegates Outstanding Service Award.

During his time as Speaker, Reynolds served on the AAPA Board of Directors as the Academy’s Vice President and also served on the Board during his time as 1st and 2nd Vice Speaker. His duties on this Board included service on the Internal Affairs Committee, Commission on Professional Development and Education, External Affairs Committee, Judicial Affairs Commission, Early Career PA Commission, Finance Committee and the Government Relations and Advocacy Commission. After his time on the Board, he continued to serve AAPA as a Trustee for the PA Political Action Committee in which he assumed the role of chair for 2023-2024.

To learn more about Bill Reynolds and his career, please visit his biography: by clicking here.
