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Date Published: May 13, 2021

Mother Knows Best

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“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust

A recurring theme that has popped up throughout our years of gathering oral histories and biographies, are PAs who joined the profession because their mother told them to!

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month, take a moment to enjoy the stories of these PAs whose mothers knew best about what profession would be a great match for their child. And if you are a PA who also learned about the profession through your mother, make sure to thank her on Mother’s Day.

Jerry Wise, AAPA Past President, joined the profession after his mother sent him an article about the Duke PA program while he was waiting to return to America from Vietnam.

Pat Dieter’s mother also sent her an article about the PA profession and encouraged her daughter to investigate the new profession further.

Maha Lund, PA History Society Trustee and Director of the Emory University PA Program, learned about the profession through her mother, a nurse and nurse educator.

Daytheon Sturges was inspired to join the PA profession through his mother’s childhood injury and how it pained her later in life.

Jacqueline Barnett, Director of the Duke University PA Program, has dedicated her life to living up to her mother’s advice to “work hard and get an education so that you can help those who don’t have much live better lives”.

The PA History Society celebrates all of the PAs who are moms or who act as mothers.
