Breaking News
  • PAHx is offering a free small-group CME session at this year’s AAPA Conference! Scroll down for more info!     
  • Check out what's new in PA history at AAPA by visiting the PAHx Booth on the 3rd floor of the conference center!     
  • Pre-PA Students: Stop by our Booth during the AAPA Saturday Pre-PA workshop!


The Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (SAAAPA) has its own structure within the AAPA and includes representation from each PA Program’s student society. Students have always been encouraged to play an active role in the AAPA since its founding in 1968. They were among the first to organize and share information with their peers. Each registered student society is represented in the Assembly of Representatives (AOR), the SAAPA’s legislative and policy-making body. The SAAPA also has representation in the AAPA House of Delegates (HOD). Currently, there are over 200 registered student society members of the SAAAPA.