Breaking News
  • The PAHx is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Read our feature below!
  • Visit the PAHx booth at the PAEA Education Forum October 8-10, 2024.



Test your Knowledge

How good is your knowledge of PA history? Test yourself in this quiz!

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Dr. Stead’s wife Evelyn and her friend Gloria Warren coauthored a book about?

After 27 years on staff, Timi Agar Barwick retired as CEO of which national PA organization?

A Monopoly-type board-game with two Physician Assistant Program squares was developed in the 1980’s at which academic institutions?

Which PA has the distinction of serving on the Boards of all four national PA organizations and president of three of them?

From 1975 to 2020, which city has hosted the most national AAPA and PAEA (APAP) conferences?