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Date Published: November 9, 2021

Gone But Not Forgotten: John Trimbath

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The PA History Society is sad to announce the death of John Trimbath, PA-C. Mr. Trimbath passed away on November 08, 2021 from complications of the COVID-19 virus.

Mr. Trimbath was a veteran of the US Air Force. He enrolled in the George Washington University PA Program in 1977 after being encouraged to do so by a friend who was a hospital corpsman. As a PA, Mr. Trimbath educated the next generation of PAs, influenced governmental policy and hospital bylaws that are still used in many institutions across the nation, and served on the boards of the Ohio Association of PAs and the American Academy of PAs.

Mr. Trimbath was also the first non-physician to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award from the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Mr. Trimbath has left a lasting legacy on the PA profession. He will be remembered and missed.

For more information on Mr. Trimbath and his accomplishments, please visit his biography by clicking here.

The PA History Society was also fortunate to interview Mr. Trimbath last year. You may view his oral history interview by clicking here.
